Insurance for Mexico

Designed to meet the needs of American Residents and Businesses looking for great Mexican Insurance coverage. We provide exclusive Mexico insurance products from top international carriers that provide US standards of coverage for American and other foreign individuals and business who are looking for better coverage than what a standard Mexican insurance policy can provide.

Traditional Mexican car insurance policies do not have the same structure as American policies, and many contain exclusions that foreigners are not used to or do not expect. Moreover, they may not offer policy terms in English. As a result, foreigners in Mexico have difficulty finding insurance they are comfortable with and that provides the standards of coverage they expect.

We focus specifically on satisfying the needs of foreigners driving their foreign-registered autos in Mexico. Our Mexican car insurance policies have similar coverage parts to American policies and terms are available in both English and Spanish. As such, our policies are easy to understand and there is no question about what coverage you are purchasing.

Complete Coverage

When purchasing Mexican car insurance policies from us, you will be able to select from all of the available coverage options as you would expect from US policies, including liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured motorists. We also include unique benefits like emergency roadside assistance and emergency transportation home in the case your car is stolen or damaged in an accident. We go to great lengths to ensure we offer the best coverage and most exclusive advantages.

We offer flexible policy lengths, so our auto-insurance policies are suitable for those spending a weekend in Mexico, or those staying for months or years.